Boho Chic Snowman is a new item and it will be offered as a Hunt Prize on its first month of release.

The Hunt is set with the “I ♥ the cart” December round.

You will have to find icicles all around the cart area, in a wonderful white decor created by MargeKinson, the owner of this event.

Each hunt prize is 2 Li. You can find the list and photos on the event website.

The Boho Chic Snowman is an elegant snowy guy, with a tie and top hat in colored fabric.

There are 5 color versions, all included in the pack.

At middle height (1,35 m), the land impact is 3.

It is modifiable, so you can make it bigger or smaller, just keep in mind the land impact will vary if you do so.

Permissions are copy and modify. Materials enabled. And 100 % Original mesh.

This item will be regularly on sale in Petit Chat mainstore and on the Marketplace after the event ends on December 31st.

Taxi to the hunt :

While you are there, do not miss visiting the lil Christmas Market ! There is surely something you will love !

More info on the event page.

Have fun !


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