Coucou !
The Frozen Fair 2014 starts on the 1st of december and will last till december the 15th.
A whole event celebrating winter. Thus tons of warm clothes for you to wear during the cold monthes.
Petit Chat will be there and as exclusive items i created the Snowdrop coats (3 colors available)
You probably already know the “Beam of light” coat I created for the Penumbra fashionweek autumn-winter 2014 and if you liked it, you will also like the Snowdrop coats.
Those are the same mesh, but instead of being textured from my artwork Beam of light, they are textured with a lovely whool fabric I’ve created specially for that occasion.
Snowdrop coat in green |
The first version comes in green with a lovely belt and buttons in pink.
The coats come in 5 standard size and one alpha layer.
As the coat is closed in the front you don’t need to wear anything else except perhaps tights or leggins and comfy and warm shooes or boots.
Snowdrop coat in grey |
The second version is grey with belt and buttons in red.
As always the style is elegant, because simplicity doesnt mean forcelly not being elegant.
As a background for this post to visit
Isles of Lyonesse as it is all winter mode with a lot of snow as you can see.
Snowdrop coat in grey, closeshot |
Luckily i was wearing this warm and comfy coat and some boots, so i could hang out outside and enjoy the landscape.
The last version is the red one :
Snowdrop coat in red |
As you can see you will be noticed in the street while wearing this beautiful red coat.
Belt and buttons are grey.
Snowdrop coat in red from back. |
Enough walked in the snow for today, I’m going now to go back inside and prepare a tasty cup of hot chocolate and milk.