Floaty Seat : New release / August 2021
Here is a comfy floaty to use in your swimming pool, unless you prefer to go to the beach or to the river !
This buoy is 1 Land Impact only !

Simply rezz it on the water and enjoy the fun !
Right click and sit on it and browse through the 14 animations.
Click the main buoy or the backrest in order to change their color (6 color options for each). Play with it, make it single color or bi-color !
Click it and make it rotate on itself or stop.
This Floaty Seat will bring to you fun and comfy moments !

Floaty Seat is Groupgift this month !
Yes ! Because we like to create exclusive items for our group members whenever it’s possible !
So, This item will be, at first, only available as a groupgift for all Petit Chat Lovers !
Once August will be ended, this seat will be added to our regular collection and be sold at the price of 169 L$.
But, currently … till August, 31st, it’s free if you are part of our group !
If not, please be aware that there is a small one time fee to join (50 L$), but it worth it !
We have 1 new groupgift every month (exclusive item, or exclusive recolor) and another gift taken from our collection (thus, that one is free for you all along the said month)
Taxi to Floaty Seat : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rayne%20and%20PetitChat/69/75/27
Full info about the August Group gifts HERE
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