PicNic Case is a new release and it will be free for everyone during the SL18B Shop & Hop event.
No group needed for this lovely present !
This cute case is 3 Li only.
PicNic Case is our new release and it will be free all along the is a must if you plan to go to the countryside or to the beach this summer and bring your lunch with you !
The suitcase shows : a pile of plates, a pile of bowls, a pile of towels, a lunch box and a bottle. (You may unlink them and use them for your own decors, or rearrange the suitcase.

As usually, this item is an original and handcrafted mesh.
Permissions are : Copy/Modify
Materials Enabled.
Get it now while it’s free !
This item will be set on regular sale in Petit Chat Mainstore after the event.
Taxi to SL18B Shop & Hop event : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Golden/153/19/53
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